12月28日(月) まで通常営業
12月29日(火)~1月4日(月) 休み
Category Archives: ニュース
Forestone Black Bamboo Bb Clarinet Reeds
12月27日(土) まで通常営業
12月28日(日)~1月4日(日) 休み
New product: handmade Bamboo Saxophone
We are proudly inform our new product “Bamboo Saxophone”.
It is very interesting to see as well as playing music.
Playing on a bamboo mouthpiece that is included with saxophone might be a little difficult, you can attach normal rubber or metal mouth piece then bamboo saxophone becomes much easier to play.
(From left, bamboo mouthpiece, Alto, Straight Soprano)
You can play warm and gentle sound in it because they are made from natural bamboo and fully handmade by skilled craftsman.
You can find the detail onSAXmen.jp. (Japanese only)
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